Recipes are a way to provide off the shelf algorithms that ce be either used directly from the command line or easily imported in a python script if more flexibility is needed.

A recipe should, as much a possible, be agnostic of the data and the underlying model so that it can be used as a way to quickly try an algorithm on new data or be easily experimented on by changing the model

class, loader)

Basic recipe that iterates mutiple epochs over a dataset. That loop is instrumented through several configurable callbacks. Callbacks can handle events before and after each batch, before and after each epoch. Each batch is treated with a user supplied function that manipulates it and returns a dict that returns a state usable by the callbacks.

A recipe can be saved by calling its state_dict() member. All its hyper parameters and state will be saved so that it can restart, but requires the exact same setting of callbacks.

You can register multiple objects to a Recipe with register(). If it has a state_dict() member, its state will be saved into the recipe’s when calling the recipe’s state_dict() function. If it has a member to(), moving the recipe to another device will also move those objects.

  • call_fun (Callable) – A function that takes a batch as an argument and returns a dict of value to feed the state

  • loader (Iterable) – any iterable (most likely a DataLoader)


Move a recipe and all its movable registered objects to cpu


Move a recipe and all its movable registered objects to cuda


Restore a recipe


Iterate over all nn.Modules registered in the recipe

register(name, value)

Register an object into the recipe as a member. Calling recipe.register('foo', bar) registers bar, and makes it usable through

  • name (str) – member’s name

  • value – the object to register


Run the recipe for epochs epochs.


epochs (int) – number of epochs


The state


A state dict


Move a recipe and all its movable registered objects to a device


device – a torch device, train_fun, test_fun, train_loader, test_every=100, visdom_env='main', checkpoint='model', log_every=10, key_best=None)

Train a model and evaluate it with a custom function. The model is automatically registered and checkpointed as checkpoint['model'], and put in eval mode when testing.

Training callbacks:

  • Counter for counting iterations, connected to the testing loop as well

  • VisdomLogger

  • StdoutLogger


Testing loop is in .test_loop.

Testing callbacks:

  • VisdomLogger

  • StdoutLogger

  • Checkpoint

  • model (nn.Model) – a model

  • train_fun (Callabble) – a function that takes a batch as a single argument, performs a training step and return a dict of values to populate the recipe’s state.

  • test_fun (Callable) – a function taking no argument that performs something to evaluate your model and returns a dict to populate the state.

  • train_loader (DataLoader) – Training set dataloader

  • test_every (int) – testing frequency, in number of iterations (default: 100)

  • visdom_env (str) – name of the visdom environment to use, or None for not using Visdom (default: None)

  • checkpoint (str) – checkpointing path or None for no checkpointing

  • log_every (int) – logging frequency, in number of iterations (default: 10)

  • key_best (function or None) – a key function for comparing states. Checkpointing the greatest.


a configured Recipe, train_fun, test_fun, train_loader, test_loader, *, test_every=100, visdom_env='main', log_every=10, checkpoint='model', key_best=None)

Two nested loops, usually one for training and one for testing, but can serve other purposes. The model is automatically registered and checkpointed as checkpoint['model'], and put in eval mode when testing.

Training callbacks:

  • Counter for counting iterations, connected to the testing loop as well

  • VisdomLogger

  • StdoutLogger

  • SeedDistributedSampler


Testing loop is in .test_loop.

Testing callbacks:

  • VisdomLogger

  • StdoutLogger

  • Checkpoint

  • model (nn.Model) – a model

  • train_fun (Callabble) – a function that takes a batch as a single argument, performs a training step and return a dict of values to populate the recipe’s state.

  • test_fun (Callable) – a function taking a batch as a single argument then performs something to evaluate your model and returns a dict to populate the state.

  • train_loader (DataLoader) – Training set dataloader

  • test_loader (DataLoader) – Testing set dataloader

  • test_every (int) – testing frequency, in number of iterations (default: 100)

  • visdom_env (str) – name of the visdom environment to use, or None for not using Visdom (default: None)

  • log_every (int) – logging frequency, in number of iterations (default: 100)

  • checkpoint (str) – checkpointing path or None for no checkpointing

  • key_best (function or None) – a key function for comparing states. Checkpointing the greatest., train_fun: Callable, test_fun: Callable, train_loader: Iterable[Any], test_loader: Iterable[Any], classes: List[str], *, visdom_env: Optional[str] = None, checkpoint: Optional[str] = None, test_every: int = 1000, log_every: int = 100)

Classification training and testing loop. Both forward functions must return a per-batch loss and logits predictions. It expands from TrainAndTest. Both train_fun and test_fun must return {'loss': batch_loss, 'preds': logits_predictions}. The model is automatically registered and checkpointed as checkpoint['model'], and put in eval mode when testing. The list of classes is checkpointed as well in checkpoint['classes'].

Training callbacks:

  • AccAvg for displaying accuracy

  • Log for displaying loss

  • ConfusionMatrix if len(classes) <= 25

  • ClassificationInspector

  • MetricsTable

Inherited training callbacks:

  • Counter for counting iterations, connected to the testing loop as well

  • VisdomLogger

  • StdoutLogger


Testing loop is in .test_loop.

Testing callbacks:

  • AccAvg

  • EpochMetricAvg

  • ConfusionMatrix if len(classes) <= 25

  • ClassificationInspector

  • MetricsTable

Inherited testing callbacks:

  • VisdomLogger

  • StdoutLogger

  • Checkpoint saving the best testing loss

  • model (nn.Model) – a model

  • train_fun (Callabble) – a function that takes a batch as a single argument, performs a training forward pass and return a dict of values to populate the recipe’s state. It expects the logits predictions under key “preds”, and this batch’s loss under key “loss”.

  • test_fun (Callable) – a function taking a batch as a single argument then performs something to evaluate your model and returns a dict to populate the state. It expects the logits predictions under key “preds”, and this batch’s loss under key “loss”.

  • train_loader (DataLoader) – Training set dataloader

  • test_loader (DataLoader) – Testing set dataloader

  • classes (list of str) – classes name, in order

  • visdom_env (str) – name of the visdom environment to use, or None for not using Visdom (default: None)

  • test_every (int) – testing frequency, in number of iterations (default: 1000)

  • log_every (int) – logging frequency, in number of iterations (default: 100), train_loader: Iterable[Any], test_loader: Iterable[Any], classes: List[str], *, lr: float = 0.001, beta1: float = 0.9, beta2: float = 0.999, wd: float = 0.01, visdom_env: Optional[str] = 'main', test_every: int = 1000, log_every: int = 100, checkpoint: Optional[str] = 'model', optimizer: typing_extensions.Literal[sgd, adamw] = 'adamw', n_iters: Optional[int] = None)

Extends Classification with default cross entropy forward passes. Also adds AdamW/SGD and CosineDecay schedule

Inherited training callbacks:

  • AccAvg for displaying accuracy

  • Log for displaying loss

  • ConfusionMatrix if len(classes) <= 25

  • ClassificationInspector

  • MetricsTable

  • Counter for counting iterations, connected to the testing loop as well

  • VisdomLogger

  • StdoutLogger

Training callbacks:

  • Optimizer with AdamW/SGD

  • LRSched with ReduceLROnPlateau


Testing loop is in .test_loop.

Inherited testing callbacks:

  • AccAvg

  • EpochMetricAvg

  • ConfusionMatrix if len(classes) <= 25

  • ClassificationInspector

  • MetricsTable

  • VisdomLogger

  • StdoutLogger

  • Checkpoint saving the best testing loss

  • model (nn.Module) – a model learnable with cross entropy

  • train_loader (DataLoader) – Training set dataloader

  • test_loader (DataLoader) – Testing set dataloader

  • classes (list of str) – classes name, in order

  • lr (float) – the learning rate

  • beta1 (float) – AdamW’s beta1 / SGD’s momentum

  • beta2 (float) – AdamW’s beta2

  • wd (float) – weight decay

  • visdom_env (str) – name of the visdom environment to use, or None for not using Visdom (default: None)

  • test_every (int) – testing frequency, in number of iterations (default: 1000)

  • log_every (int) – logging frequency, in number of iterations (default: 1000)

  • n_iters (optional, int) – the number of iterations to train for. If provided, switch to a FlatAndCosineEnd scheduler torch.nn.modules.module.Module, D: torch.nn.modules.module.Module, G_fun, D_fun, test_fun, loader: Iterable[Any], *, test_loader: Optional[Iterable[Any]] = None, visdom_env: Optional[str] = 'main', checkpoint: Optional[str] = 'model', test_every: int = 1000, log_every: int = 10, g_every: int = 1)



GANRecipe() is experimental, and may change or be deleted soon if not already broken


Model Training, train_fun, test_fun, train_loader, test_loader, *, test_every=100, visdom_env='main', log_every=10, checkpoint='model', key_best=None)

Two nested loops, usually one for training and one for testing, but can serve other purposes. The model is automatically registered and checkpointed as checkpoint['model'], and put in eval mode when testing.

Training callbacks:

  • Counter for counting iterations, connected to the testing loop as well

  • VisdomLogger

  • StdoutLogger

  • SeedDistributedSampler


Testing loop is in .test_loop.

Testing callbacks:

  • VisdomLogger

  • StdoutLogger

  • Checkpoint

  • model (nn.Model) – a model

  • train_fun (Callabble) – a function that takes a batch as a single argument, performs a training step and return a dict of values to populate the recipe’s state.

  • test_fun (Callable) – a function taking a batch as a single argument then performs something to evaluate your model and returns a dict to populate the state.

  • train_loader (DataLoader) – Training set dataloader

  • test_loader (DataLoader) – Testing set dataloader

  • test_every (int) – testing frequency, in number of iterations (default: 100)

  • visdom_env (str) – name of the visdom environment to use, or None for not using Visdom (default: None)

  • log_every (int) – logging frequency, in number of iterations (default: 100)

  • checkpoint (str) – checkpointing path or None for no checkpointing

  • key_best (function or None) – a key function for comparing states. Checkpointing the greatest., train_fun: Callable, test_fun: Callable, train_loader: Iterable[Any], test_loader: Iterable[Any], classes: List[str], *, visdom_env: Optional[str] = None, checkpoint: Optional[str] = None, test_every: int = 1000, log_every: int = 100)

Classification training and testing loop. Both forward functions must return a per-batch loss and logits predictions. It expands from TrainAndTest. Both train_fun and test_fun must return {'loss': batch_loss, 'preds': logits_predictions}. The model is automatically registered and checkpointed as checkpoint['model'], and put in eval mode when testing. The list of classes is checkpointed as well in checkpoint['classes'].

Training callbacks:

  • AccAvg for displaying accuracy

  • Log for displaying loss

  • ConfusionMatrix if len(classes) <= 25

  • ClassificationInspector

  • MetricsTable

Inherited training callbacks:

  • Counter for counting iterations, connected to the testing loop as well

  • VisdomLogger

  • StdoutLogger


Testing loop is in .test_loop.

Testing callbacks:

  • AccAvg

  • EpochMetricAvg

  • ConfusionMatrix if len(classes) <= 25

  • ClassificationInspector

  • MetricsTable

Inherited testing callbacks:

  • VisdomLogger

  • StdoutLogger

  • Checkpoint saving the best testing loss

  • model (nn.Model) – a model

  • train_fun (Callabble) – a function that takes a batch as a single argument, performs a training forward pass and return a dict of values to populate the recipe’s state. It expects the logits predictions under key “preds”, and this batch’s loss under key “loss”.

  • test_fun (Callable) – a function taking a batch as a single argument then performs something to evaluate your model and returns a dict to populate the state. It expects the logits predictions under key “preds”, and this batch’s loss under key “loss”.

  • train_loader (DataLoader) – Training set dataloader

  • test_loader (DataLoader) – Testing set dataloader

  • classes (list of str) – classes name, in order

  • visdom_env (str) – name of the visdom environment to use, or None for not using Visdom (default: None)

  • test_every (int) – testing frequency, in number of iterations (default: 1000)

  • log_every (int) – logging frequency, in number of iterations (default: 100), train_loader: Iterable[Any], test_loader: Iterable[Any], classes: List[str], *, lr: float = 0.001, beta1: float = 0.9, beta2: float = 0.999, wd: float = 0.01, visdom_env: Optional[str] = 'main', test_every: int = 1000, log_every: int = 100, checkpoint: Optional[str] = 'model', optimizer: typing_extensions.Literal[sgd, adamw] = 'adamw', n_iters: Optional[int] = None)

Extends Classification with default cross entropy forward passes. Also adds AdamW/SGD and CosineDecay schedule

Inherited training callbacks:

  • AccAvg for displaying accuracy

  • Log for displaying loss

  • ConfusionMatrix if len(classes) <= 25

  • ClassificationInspector

  • MetricsTable

  • Counter for counting iterations, connected to the testing loop as well

  • VisdomLogger

  • StdoutLogger

Training callbacks:

  • Optimizer with AdamW/SGD

  • LRSched with ReduceLROnPlateau


Testing loop is in .test_loop.

Inherited testing callbacks:

  • AccAvg

  • EpochMetricAvg

  • ConfusionMatrix if len(classes) <= 25

  • ClassificationInspector

  • MetricsTable

  • VisdomLogger

  • StdoutLogger

  • Checkpoint saving the best testing loss

  • model (nn.Module) – a model learnable with cross entropy

  • train_loader (DataLoader) – Training set dataloader

  • test_loader (DataLoader) – Testing set dataloader

  • classes (list of str) – classes name, in order

  • lr (float) – the learning rate

  • beta1 (float) – AdamW’s beta1 / SGD’s momentum

  • beta2 (float) – AdamW’s beta2

  • wd (float) – weight decay

  • visdom_env (str) – name of the visdom environment to use, or None for not using Visdom (default: None)

  • test_every (int) – testing frequency, in number of iterations (default: 1000)

  • log_every (int) – logging frequency, in number of iterations (default: 1000)

  • n_iters (optional, int) – the number of iterations to train for. If provided, switch to a FlatAndCosineEnd scheduler

Deep Dream


Deep Dream recipe.

Performs the algorithm described in

This implementation differs from the original one: the image is optimized in Fourier space, for greater details and colors, the model and layers are customizable.

A commandline interface is provided through python3 -m, and a DeepDreamRecipe is provided.

class, dream_layer)

Deep Dream recipe

First instantiate the recipe then call recipe(n_iter, img)

  • model (nn.Module) – the trained model to use

  • dream_layer (str) – the layer to use on which activations will be maximized

fit(ref, iters, lr=0.0003, device='cpu', visdom_env='deepdream')
  • lr (float, optional) – the learning rate

  • visdom_env (str or None) – the name of the visdom env to use, or None to disable Visdom

Feature visualization


Feature visualization

This optimizes an image to maximize some neuron in order to visualize the features it captures

A commandline is provided with python3 -m

class, layer, input_size, *, num_feature=3, lr=0.001, device='cpu', visdom_env='feature_vis')

Feature viz

First instantiate the recipe then call recipe(n_iter, img)

  • model (nn.Module) – the trained model to use

  • layer (str) – the layer to use on which activations will be maximized

  • input_size (int, or (int, int)) – the size of the image the model accepts as input

  • num_feature (int) – the number of channels of the input image (e.g 1 for grey, 3 for RGB)

  • lr (float, optional) – the learning rate

  • device (device) – where to run the computation

  • visdom_env (str or None) – the name of the visdom env to use, or None to disable Visdom

fit(n_iters, neuron)

Run the recipe

  • n_iters (int) – number of iterations to run

  • neuron (int) – the feature map to maximize


the optimized image

Neural Style


Neural Style from Leon Gatys

A commandline interface is provided through python3 -m

class'cpu', visdom_env='style')

Neural Style Recipe

First instantiate the recipe then call recipe(n_iter, img)

  • device (device) – where to run the computation

  • visdom_env (str or None) – the name of the visdom env to use, or None to disable Visdom

fit(iters, content_img, style_img, style_ratio, *, second_scale_ratio=1, content_layers=None, init_with_content=False)

Run the recipe

  • n_iters (int) – number of iterations to run

  • content (PIL.Image) – content image

  • style (PIL.Image) – style image

  • ratio (float) – weight of style loss

  • content_layers (list of str) – layers on which to reconstruct content

Deep Image Prior

Deep Image Prior as a command line tool is in this recipe, it provides super-resolution and denoising.

python3 -m for the usage message